QUEER QUILT at ARoS 21st of June
We are seeking your participation in a large art take over at ARoS Museum that promotes LGBTQIA+ visibility and queer narratives.
On the 21st of June HIMHERANDIT ask for your participation to become part of an artwork that involves hundreds of LGBTQIA+ persons becoming a magnificent HUMAN QUEER QUILT that saturates the entire bottom of ARoS Museum. Here all participants will unite, take space, and collectively lay down together to form a beautiful quilt of bodies and identities.
Collectively we will create a powerful performance art work where we lay down together, side by side and in the hundreds and become visible, take space, and support LGBTQIA+ realities.
We will lay down together for a total of 20 minutes while pre-recorded testimonies from LGBTQIA+communities are played through speakers across the entire museum halls. The testimonies are recordings capture from LGBTQIA+ persons from across Denmark and talk about experiences around: visibility, public safety, homophobia/transphobia, family, communities and ultimately what HOME, FREEDOM AND BELONGING mean to LGBTQIA+ persons today.
This powerful performance experience is a once in a life time chance to unite and let LGBTQIA+ realities take FULL FOCUS AND BECOME AN EMPOWERING SOCIAL ART WORK.
All LGBTQIA+ family members, allies and supporters are welcome to join the quilt in solidarity.
What it involves:
You will sign up to the event confirming your participation to this online form (before the 14th June)
On the 21st June you arrive at ARoS Museum between 18:45-19:10 where you will be greeted and can drop any personal belongings into ARoS Lockers and then be brought into the location that the art work will take place.
Between 19:10-19:30 you will be briefed and guided by the artists at HIMHERANDIT and gradually start to form and build the human quilt across the bottom floor.
19:30-19:50 – We lay in silence, in stillness together and become a powerful performance art work.
19:50-20:30 – We take a collective bow, say thank you to each other, collect our belongings and depart.